Fidesco is a Catholic NGO that provides professional volunteers to some of the world’s most challenged communities. Fidesco USA (d/b/a of American Compassion Services) is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit charitable organization listed in the Official Catholic Directory.
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Give one or two years of your life to serve the poorest of the poor.
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Fidesco is an international Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that recruits and trains volunteers before sending them for a one or two year mission in under-served areas of the world. The volunteers make their professional and personal skills available to the needy through humanitarian and development projects.
In 1980 in Rome, African bishops met members of the Emmanuel Community and gave them a challenge: “We need young people coming in the name of their faith to support us in our development projects and offer assistance to our local population. Come join us!”
Video: A mission that involves you
The largest health care center in the country. It has sixty employees and 4 Fidesco volunteers. Every year, over 100,000 people receive care and medicine. The price, at $1.30 for the consultation, all included, is accessible even to the poorest. What is on the horizon. The maximum capacity for the Maternity Center has been […]
A team of volunteers go to the central prison in Kinshasa to meet with about a dozen prisoners a week. While there, they not only offers legal advice, but also help them with the psychological support they need to deal with the hostile conditions. BAJPD lawyers (4 in Kinshasa, and 2 in Lubumbashi) then handle […]
Location:Bristow, VA
This Invitation Only weekend will allow the Fidesco volunteer candidates to learn more about the work Fidesco does in the field, With the assistance of former volunteers and some international staff, the candidates are given an opportunity to explore the positive and negative reasons to decide to pursue volunteering with Fidesco. Reach out to us […]
Location:Bristow, VA
Location:online 8:15 pm EST to 9:00pm
This is our annual “by invitation only” weekend to discern your call to mission. Contact Fidesco to be invited. Fidesco USA: Who’s next?
This is a “by invitation only” weekend so please contact Fidesco to be included. Fidesco USA: Who’s next?
Location:Bristow, Virginia
March 22 at 2:15 pm (EST) there will be an online Fidesco Information evening in English (about 90 minutes) Participants, from all over the world, who are thinking about leaving with Fidesco are welcome! Topics: What is Fidesco Discerning a departure Q&A […]
Location:online 2:15 pm EST to 3:30 pm
During my Big Night in the past few months, I’ve witnessed heartbreaking and dark places, but ...
Katie and Luke Johnstone - Philippines